With the
gods not present on the island of the Cyclopes, it’s no surprise that the law
of the gods really holds no sway over them. Specifically, we’re talking about
the law of hospitality, for “Zeus is the avenger of suppliants and
strangers—Zeus, the strangers' god—who ever attends upon reverend strangers”
(line 271). This a big deal. We’re not talking about some minor deity being in
charge of strangers. Zeus, king of the gods. The head honcho, the big cheese
himself. The language, too, is strong. Avenger is no word to be tossed about
lightly, and the same is true for reverend. These mean that strangers,
travelers, have a sacred position within Greek society, and to do wrong by them
is to invite the wrath of Zeus.
But the Cyclopes
are far from Greek society, “for the Cyclopes reck[on] not of Zeus, who bears
the aegis, nor of the blessed gods, since verily we are better far than they”
(276). We already established that the Greek gods are not omniscient, and now
we have the Cyclopes whothink they are superior, and is not willing to follow
the law of Zeus regarding strangers. The Greeks divided the world into those
who “are cruel, and wild, and unjust, or whether they love strangers and fear
the gods in their thoughts” (176). We
take this even further, and the cyclopes all live in caves and subsist only by
their flocks. They do not cultivate the land in any way, nor do they build.
Their living is very primitive. In short, the Cyclopes are barbarians. By every
measurement the Greeks have, the Cyclopes are a tribal people, not much above
monsters (if that).
This is very bad news for Odysseus
and his men, who are about to become dinner. The only measure towards
civilization and mercy—in Polyphemus’s eyes—is that he will eat Odysseus last.
Not exactly a good host. How will our hero escape this peril? Tune in next week
for “What’s in a Name?”