My first
big secret when it comes to this site is that I type up 100% of my blog posts
in Microsoft Word. Then I copy them straight over. Word plays well with all of
the major platforms, so it will create
html code automatically to make
your post look as much like MS Word as possible. Notice the bold and italics.
Those were made by Word. I didn’t have to code them or use my blog’s text
editor to make them.
See how this paragraph began? It’s
indented. HTML hates indents. They’re not easily made. They don’t’ have an intuitive
way to do it. Word, however, copies your
formatting directly. It works. And that’s what we care about. Yes, we will get
some of what is called junk code, but this is a simple text post. We’re not
programming in javascript functions, and the page will still be rendered
quickly. So we can deal with some junk code when it makes our posts easy to create
and look how we want them to look.
So I say start your site’s content
with something familiar, your word processor.