NaNo down. I finished my word count. The title of this post isn’t referring to
that. No, it’s referring to last year’s NaNo novel. I started a Matt Allen
book, and still have not finished it. Usually over the course of the year I
will finish out a draft of my NaNo book, but that didn’t happen this time.
Throughout the year I got sidetracked by other projects (Matt included), and
just could not get back to it.
And now I’m
done with another NaNo, I have another book to actually finish off. I’m afraid
Matt is going to have to lay fallow for a while as I work on Sam.
Maybe I’ll
be a NaNo Rebel in 2016 and finish off Matt in November (though hopefully it
won’t come to that). That would mean I would have two years of working on the
same book for NaNo. I wonder how many others have done that.