In the
world of the supernatural, Mystics like Tony were on top. They were kings.
Vampires, witches, lycanthropes and others filled out the rest as queens,
rooks, bishops, and knights. They all fought with one another on who was more
powerful, but one thing was clear: human beings were the bottom. We were pawns
in their games, little more than a source of entertainment and food.
But it was
a funny thing about pawns, they can slip through defenses. They can defy
expectations, and out of all the pieces on the board, only the pawns could
become something more.
So long as
we could make it across the board.
I picked up
the phone, calling Nikki. The vampire and I had an unusual relationship, so if
this was going to work, she would be the one to help make it happen.
I’ve got a proposition for you. No, not that kind. . . .”