I reasoned that if it can be done in a miniature pan, then it could be done full-scale. Lo, and behold, with the power of the internet, I located a number of links detailing that it can be done. I settled on this one because of how the saintly woman described herself and the methodology of the cookies.
I like cast iron. There's something about it that speaks to the male condition. Big, heavy, rough, black. The type of implement used in camping and by cowboys. It goes on the stove top, on the grill, in the oven, and most importantly, in the fire. It can do just about anything, make just about anything. Cookies are just the beginning: Cornbread, cakes, biscuits, and so much more. And so, I say to you men: Grab the cast iron, and go bake like a man, man. I'm in the kitchen. Hyah!
And yes, those are pictures of the cookie I baked today.