I finished an initial revision, but there are a couple of things I'm still mulling over, such as one scene in the story where my detective and Nikki get into a highly repetitive verbal sparring match that I think needs some streamlining. I'm also still mulling over a couple of neighborhoods on the map. I think I'll have to revisit Google Maps to get some inspiration from existing cities, maybe Frisco this time.
I've also started the third book, which I've had the idea for since about the time I started Vampire Shadows, and have decided to call this oneHalloween Scourge after many hours tossing title ideas back and forth. I've always had difficulty with titles, trying to find the right mix, and part of me still isn't sure of Blood and Stones but I've gotten used to it, for now.
I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of friends before I start revision number two of the book, but I've also started looking at potential agents, and hope to start drafting some query letters. More to follow soon, but for now, here are the charts for February.