Well now, February has come to a close, a longer one than most to boot. I will report on the TV experiment at the end of the week, but for now I just want to cover February.
I can say, with certainty, that the Martini Method works for me. Though I don't enjoy a beverage such as Tony did, I find plenty of reason to relax and feel the sense of accomplishment just from the writing. Why, in the month of February alone I added 23,699 words to my novel, and achieved the staggering result of 33,784 for the entire month. I think I enjoy leaving my weekends open to jot down other ideas. This keeps the creative fires nicely stoked and gives me an outlet for all of the ideas that continue to come at me. Why just this morning I had an interesting idea I'm still toying with right now. Which I'll probably make a note about it after this post.
Back to the original idea, I am proceeding nicely with my work. The total, which is displayed ever so conveniently above the daily word count, reflects that is a very healthy length, which is fortunate for me as I feel the story winding down to its close. I believe very soon I can begin the arduous editing and the even more frightening search for an agent for the publishing of the work. Fortunately I'll be able to tap into some friends and get their opinions as well, along with editing suggestions. There's nothing quite like exploiting your friends to give you that warm tingly feeling . . . at least until they return their criticism. But I jest. My spirits are good at having come so far, and I feel that with some good editing and polishing, I should be able to see this book into print, and its sequels after that.
Well, enough prattling. Here is the chart for February, in all its glory.

I can say, with certainty, that the Martini Method works for me. Though I don't enjoy a beverage such as Tony did, I find plenty of reason to relax and feel the sense of accomplishment just from the writing. Why, in the month of February alone I added 23,699 words to my novel, and achieved the staggering result of 33,784 for the entire month. I think I enjoy leaving my weekends open to jot down other ideas. This keeps the creative fires nicely stoked and gives me an outlet for all of the ideas that continue to come at me. Why just this morning I had an interesting idea I'm still toying with right now. Which I'll probably make a note about it after this post.
Back to the original idea, I am proceeding nicely with my work. The total, which is displayed ever so conveniently above the daily word count, reflects that is a very healthy length, which is fortunate for me as I feel the story winding down to its close. I believe very soon I can begin the arduous editing and the even more frightening search for an agent for the publishing of the work. Fortunately I'll be able to tap into some friends and get their opinions as well, along with editing suggestions. There's nothing quite like exploiting your friends to give you that warm tingly feeling . . . at least until they return their criticism. But I jest. My spirits are good at having come so far, and I feel that with some good editing and polishing, I should be able to see this book into print, and its sequels after that.
Well, enough prattling. Here is the chart for February, in all its glory.