Well, December has ended, and my experiment for the month is successful. Not as much as I'd hoped, but still successful. I think this month I've thought more about writing than I've ever done save for NaNoWriMo, but I didn't have the same impetus. I hope that in these future months I will discover my own impetus and write even more. I think the goal of 2,000 words a day was a bit ambitious, but ambition can be good. I have tempered my goal for January to be only 1,000 per day, which will hopefully allow me to keep getting everything else done as well as write.
I know now that I need to change my writing habits in order to make this an actual job. I need to sit down and do this for hours a day even if there is a block of some sort. I'm still working on techniques to get around this, but if I change my primary mindset, I'll get more done. It's not going to happen overnight. It's going to take work and time and persistence, just like any new habit. Hopefully in a couple of months I can have the habit down, and I'll be exceeding my NaNoWriMo goal.
Anyway, here I will post the final graph for December as a testament to how much i did actually get done. I think I need Story 1 back in the primary spot, and hopefully I can make it happen for this new month. I've also decided to start some sort of idea journal for writing snippets. The exact how of this I haven't decided, maybe a folder where I just store little bits and pieces in one place and can come back to. Well, I've digressed again, so without further ado, the final chart.

I know now that I need to change my writing habits in order to make this an actual job. I need to sit down and do this for hours a day even if there is a block of some sort. I'm still working on techniques to get around this, but if I change my primary mindset, I'll get more done. It's not going to happen overnight. It's going to take work and time and persistence, just like any new habit. Hopefully in a couple of months I can have the habit down, and I'll be exceeding my NaNoWriMo goal.
Anyway, here I will post the final graph for December as a testament to how much i did actually get done. I think I need Story 1 back in the primary spot, and hopefully I can make it happen for this new month. I've also decided to start some sort of idea journal for writing snippets. The exact how of this I haven't decided, maybe a folder where I just store little bits and pieces in one place and can come back to. Well, I've digressed again, so without further ado, the final chart.