I have an insatiable urge to tweak, and this blog has been no exception to that. I've put my own spin on this place to better reflect me---not to mention get rid of that hideously colored and narrow template.
I also changed my graph, which I consider part of the heart of this blog. I will constantly be updating it with new data, and realized last night that I almost never work on just one story. I constantly have more than one story in my head simultaneously. Even during NaNoWriMo I would occasionally write a snippet for some other story. Who am I kidding, a couple of times I wrote pages just because I had to scratch that itch. The end result is that I have modified the graph to reflect my sometimes scattered writing tendencies.
I also changed my graph, which I consider part of the heart of this blog. I will constantly be updating it with new data, and realized last night that I almost never work on just one story. I constantly have more than one story in my head simultaneously. Even during NaNoWriMo I would occasionally write a snippet for some other story. Who am I kidding, a couple of times I wrote pages just because I had to scratch that itch. The end result is that I have modified the graph to reflect my sometimes scattered writing tendencies.